Trump Tower Chicago

One of the toughest time I had was to capture the Trump Tower at Chicago (just bang opposite my stay at Hotel 71) – using my 18-55 mm lens. I tried a lot of angles to manage doing the wide angle zoom enough to handle the telephoto lens to capture it – but all in vain. The maximum I could do was to take a tilt shift approach by framing the trump tower into a diagonal north west or north east frame orientation. But still, some how those pics were also not the best of the amazing shots I wanted to click. They were just so ordinary. I later happened to borrow a 15mm fish eye lens from Simon Kirby, one of my colleagues at Hostway. Whom I met at our Developer conference in Chicago. His lens managed to do it just in a jiffy. The framing was perfect. The picture quality was perfect too – and the tower just scaled to fit inside my photo. What a sigh of relief.

A real large description of this is available at this link :Trump Tower Chicago

img_6640-Trump Tower at Chicago.jpg

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