môRöN kRaFTz
pho·tog·ra·phy (fə-tŏg’rə-fē)
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April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
In the project of Life … Death is a scheduled…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
If you can… I can !!! #moronX #you #can #i…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
Its only a matter of time… #moronX #time pg:93/365
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
Bones, Muscles, Lungs And Heart are nothing without your Brain..…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
Treat your Body like a Temple and Mind like a…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
When you are happy you listen to music when you…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
Live everyday as if you are gonna die today. #moronX…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
faithfulness or unfaithfulness is human nature.. its all about being…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
Money should keep moving… its not good if it stays…
April 11, 2014
January 25, 2016
life means growth before it ends.. #life #growth #ends #moronX…
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