môRöN kRaFTz
pho·tog·ra·phy (fə-tŏg’rə-fē)
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May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
Be the best version of you “Today”… Who has seen…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
It is the persistent search for failures that makes success…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
The only person I need to impress, is myself… #moronX…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
We all have a purpose of life.. Just find yours……
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
I own my body.. My body owns my heart.. My…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
Intuition is the key to success.. #moronX #life #intuition #success…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
If its easy.. Its not fun.. #moronX #fun #easy pg:…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
You are a different animal. You can pray, hope, help,…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
If you like me raise your hand.. If you don’t…
May 8, 2014
January 25, 2016
Let me take a dream into reality… #moronX #life #dream…
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