môRöN kRaFTz
pho·tog·ra·phy (fə-tŏg’rə-fē)
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January 24, 2014
January 25, 2016
life says a lot when it does not speak with…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
Being honest will not get you a lot of friends..…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
the weather keeps changing.. nothing is permanent.. we still see…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
Freedom in our life is based on the attitude we…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
The only 2 warriors in your life are patience and…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
Life is what you make it … #moronX #life #you…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
to find peace outside.. you need peace inside.. #moronX #peace…
January 23, 2014
January 25, 2016
FEAR has two meanings: 1. Forget Everything And Run 2.…
January 15, 2014
January 25, 2016
Be wise like an owl… #moronX #owl #wise pg: 15/365
January 15, 2014
January 25, 2016
kites, love & air change directions any time.. #moronX #happy…
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